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Steven Ross' Website

Collection of Structured Reports, Medical Device Design, and Pediatric Radiology Projects

I'm a Chemical Engineer and a Pediatric Radiologist.  This website hosts my collection of automated structured reports, information about my medical device inventions, and information about my work as a pediatric radiologist. 
My structured report websites are free to use; however, you as the radiologist take responsibility for the contents of your own report.  I make all attempts to ensure their accuracy, but every physician that uses them must use their own clinical expertise to determine their appropriateness in their clinical scenario.


I have designed and am designing several medical devices.  If you seek information about these devices, the menu at the top of the page has a "Device" link.  The website includes details about existing designs and current projects.


My day job is as a pediatric radiologist working at El Paso Children's Hospital.  Contact information can also be found in the menu above.


Device Design

Structured Reporting

Pediatric Radiology

Current Work

Clinical Expertise Blended with Technological Innovation

Device Design

Multiple medical device intellectual properties are under development and research.

Clinical Work

I work as a pediatric radiologist at El Paso Children's Hospital.

Structured Reporting

Automated structured reports are available.  More are being developed.

Structured Pediatric Radiology Reports

Automated and Interactive Reports

Clinicians prefer structured reports. Professional radiology associations recommend standardized reports. Interactive websites can speed up radiology reporting by automatically structuring the text and performing any necessary calculations.  

Accessible from All Locations

Individual or group solutions programmed for unique solutions require specific PACS/RIS/Dictation implementations. Websites require only a browser. If you access the site from your workstation, you can copy and paste reports into your dictation software. Your phone allows bypassing of IT restrictions but will require oral dictation.

Clinical Work

Pediatric Radiologist - Pediatric Interventional Radiologist - Pediatric Cardiac Imager

I work as a pediatric radiologist at El Paso Children's Hospital. I interpret pediatric radiology exams such as plain film radiography, fluoroscopy, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), nuclear medicine, and ultrasound.


I also perform pediatric interventions including various tube and line placements, biopsies, venography, nerve blocks, and other assorted procedures.


I perform advanced MRI exams including cardiac MRI, MR urography, and MR enterography.  I am the only regional pediatric cardiac imager covering an area approximately between Phoenix to San Antonio and Denver to Mexico. 


Medical Device Design

Solving Medical Problems with Clinical Experience and Creative Engineering

Trademark in Progress


Contact Me


Office: 915-242-8378 | Fax: 915-521-7158

4845 Alameda Avenue  El Paso, TX 79905

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